Google Hangouts Chat
From direct messages to group conversations, Google Hangouts Chat helps teams collaborate easily and efficiently.
Google Hangouts Chat is a global integration set up per App.
Adding Google Hangouts Chat to your app
Adding the integration consists of two steps, one on Google Hangouts Chat and one on AppSignal.
Google Hangouts Chat
Head to the chat options and select "Configure webhooks'

Fill out the fields, for "Avatar url" we suggest:

On the desired app, head to "Notifiers" and select "Google Hangouts"

Fill out the form and paste the webhook url from step one in the "webhook ur" field. Make sure to pick a descriptive name for the integration such as "#errors channel on Hangouts"

You can test the integration after saving the form, a message should appear in your Hangouts chat.
If anything went wrong while validating the integration your will be prompted with the error message. Feel free contact us if you experience any problems while setting up this integration.