Multiple Rack libraries

AppSignal for RubyThis feature requires version 3.12.0 or higher.

If an application uses multiple Ruby web frameworks, like the ones listed below, follow this guide to set up instrumentation for all libraries.


For each library AppSignal should integrate with, call Appsignal.load(:library_name) where :library_name is replaced with the library name you want to instrument.

Follow the guides listed above for each library for additional steps per library and guidance on where to position each Appsignal.load call.

require "appsignal" Appsignal.load(:grape) Appsignal.load(:hanami) Appsignal.load(:padrino) Appsignal.load(:sinatra) Appsignal.start

For example, in an application that uses all of these libraries:

# require "appsignal" Appsignal.load(:grape) require_relative "./app" Appsignal.load(:hanami) Appsignal.load(:padrino) Appsignal.load(:sinatra) Appsignal.start run