
This feature requires AppSignal for Ruby version 1.3 or higher.
This feature requires Capistrano version 2 or higher.

The Capistrano integration makes sure an AppSignal deploy marker is created on every deploy. Read more about deploy markers. Some manual configuration may be required.


Make sure you load the appsignal/capistrano file in Capistrano's Capfile. This should be done automatically when you run the appsignal install command during installation.

# Capfile require 'capistrano' # Other Capistrano requires. require 'appsignal/capistrano'



# deploy.rb set :appsignal_config, name: 'My app'

appsignal_config allows you to override any config loaded from the appsignal.yml configuration file.

appsignal_env (since gem version 1.3)

# deploy.rb set :stage, :alpha set :appsignal_env, :staging

appsignal_env allows you to load a different AppSignal environment when a stage name doesn't match the AppSignal environment as named in the AppSignal config file or environment variable.

appsignal_revision (since gem version 0.8.8)

Warning: This config option is deprecated. Please use the revision config option instead. For more information, please read the deploy markers topic.

In Capistrano 2 AppSignal is able to fetch the revision from the Capistrano config.

In Capistrano 3 however, this is no longer available and setting the revision is recommended.

# deploy.rb set :appsignal_revision, "my_revision"

The revision can be set manually or fetched from the git repository locally.

# Sets the current branch's git commit SHA as the revision set :appsignal_revision, `git rev-parse --short HEAD`

If you're using the branch configuration setting Capistrano you can also set git to fetch the commit SHA from the selected branch.

set :branch, "main" # Sets the selected branch's git commit SHA as the revision set :appsignal_revision, `git rev-parse --short #{fetch(:branch)}`

appsignal_user (since gem version 2.4.0)

Used in combination with appsignal_revision (if necessary), it's possible to customize a deploy user for Capistrano deploys.

By default this uses the system's local username, read from the USER or USERNAME environment variable, so there's no need to configure it if the system has these variables available.

If you do want to customize the deploy user, set the :appsignal_user config option in your Capistrano config.

# deploy.rb set :appsignal_user, "Jane" # Custom deploy user name

Example applications

We have two example applications in our examples repository on GitHub. The examples show how to set up AppSignal in small Capistrano applications while loading configuration values from the environment using gems like dotenv and Figaro.