
This feature requires AppSignal for Ruby version 4.3.3 or higher.

The AppSignal gem is compatible out of the box with the Ownership gem.


When using the Ownership gem to assign ownership to specific blocks of code, the AppSignal for Ruby gem will automatically add an owner tag to the resulting sample, with the last owner that was assigned to a block of code during that sample as the tag's value:

# This will set the owner tag for this sample to :growth owner :growth do crunch_user_numbers end
Ownership integration in AppSignal

You can use this tag to filter samples in AppSignal by the team that owns the corresponding code.

When an error is reported, the owner tag for the error sample will be set to the owner of the block of code that caused the error.

Setting namespaces

You can also set the ownership_set_namespace configuration option to true in order to, alongside the owner tag, have the namespace be automatically set to the owner.

Using namespaces allows you to easily see which performance actions and errors are owned by a specific team.

Note that changing the namespace for actions and errors that have already been reported to AppSignal will cause them to be reported as new actions and errors.

Disable integration

To disable the integration with the Ownership gem entirely, set the instrument_ownership configuration option to false.