
Your log data must not contain any Personal Identifiable Information (PII), such as names, email addresses, etc. It is your responsibility to ensure this data is filtered out before being sent to AppSignal, and when identifying a person is necessary that your application uses alternative forms of identification such as a user ID, hash, or pseudonym.

For HIPAA-covered entities, more information about signing a Business Associate Agreement (BAA) can be found in our Business Add-Ons documentation.

AppSignal can ingest logs via your Vector instance.

To send data from your Vector sources to AppSignal, you need to set up the AppSignal Vector sink in your Vector configuration and create a new Vector logging source.

You can read more about AppSignal's Vector integration in our Vector documentation.

Configure Sink

To do this, create a new Vector sink with the type appsignal. You can define your logging sources via the inputs attribute in this sink. To successfully send logging data to AppSignal, you must also provide your app-level Push API Key via the push_api_key attribute:

# vector.toml example # Other config here # Add this AppSignal sink section [sinks.appsignal] type = "appsignal" inputs = [ "internal_logs", "your_log_source" ] push_api_key = "YOUR_APP_LEVEL_API_KEY"

Create Logging Source

Once your Vector Sink is configured, create a new logging source and select Vector as the platform.

Once created, AppSignal Logging will begin to display the configured logs. If you cannot see any logs, please contact us for support.