Scalingo Log Drain

Your log data must not contain any Personal Identifiable Information (PII), such as names, email addresses, etc. It is your responsibility to ensure this data is filtered out before being sent to AppSignal, and when identifying a person is necessary that your application uses alternative forms of identification such as a user ID, hash, or pseudonym.

For HIPAA-covered entities, more information about signing a Business Associate Agreement (BAA) can be found in our Business Add-Ons documentation.

AppSignal can automatically ingest logs via Scalingo Log Drain.

Scalingo log drains can be managed using Scalingo's CLI.

Check For Existing Log Drains

Before creating a new log drain for AppSignal, we recommend checking to see if a drain for AppSignal already exists. You can do so using the following command:

scalingo --app my-app log-drains

You can remove any log drain you wish using the below command:

scalingo --app my-app log-drains-remove LOG_DRAIN_URL

Replace LOG_DRAIN_URL with the log drain URL you are trying to remove.

Add New Log Drain

Use the command below to create a new AppSignal log drain:

scalingo --app my-app log-drains-add --type appsignal --token YOUR_LOG_SOURCE_API_KEY"

Replace YOUR_LOG_SOURCE_API_KEY with the key provided when creating a log source.

When connected, logs should appear in AppSignal. If you still cannot see any logs, please contact us for support.