Scalingo Log Drain
AppSignal can automatically ingest logs via Scalingo Log Drain.
Scalingo log drains can be managed using Scalingo's CLI.
Check For Existing Log Drains
Before creating a new log drain for AppSignal, we recommend checking to see if a drain for AppSignal already exists. You can do so using the following command:
scalingo --app my-app log-drains
You can remove any log drain you wish using the below command:
scalingo --app my-app log-drains-remove LOG_DRAIN_URL
Replace LOG_DRAIN_URL with the log drain URL you are trying to remove.
Add New Log Drain
Use the command below to create a new AppSignal log drain:
scalingo --app my-app log-drains-add --type appsignal --token YOUR_LOG_SOURCE_API_KEY"
with the key provided when creating a log source.
When connected, logs should appear in AppSignal. If you still cannot see any logs, please contact us for support.