Supported Log Endpoints

Supported Log Endpoints

When you can't use any of our platforms or integrations, you can send logs directly to one of our four endpoints available:

  • HTTP-JSON: this endpoint expects NDJSON formatted log lines in the format described here.
  • HTTP-Syslog: this endpoint expects Syslog-formatted log lines in the format described here.
  • HTTP: this endpoint accepts plain-text log lines, that don't have any additional information. We use the time we received the log line as the timestamp, and other fields such as group and hostname are empty. In order to add additional information to a log line, you can format the log lines with one of the message formats described below.
  • Syslog: this endpoint expects Syslog-formatted log lines in the format described here. You can use a specific format in the log message to override log information, or add additional attributes for a log line.

Supported Platforms

AppSignal Log Management supports the following platforms:

Supported AppSignal Integrations

The following AppSignal Integrations support AppSignal Logging: