Check-in Occurrences

We've renamed Heartbeats to Check-ins. Our helper methods/functions and API endpoints have also been renamed to reflect this change.

The Check-in feature is currently only available to Beta Testers. If you think your application is a good candidate, send an email to!"

You'll be able to begin monitoring your Check-ins in AppSignal after:

In this documentation, we'll explain to you what different Check-in statuses mean and how you can inspect Check-ins in AppSignal.

Viewing Check-ins

To view all of your app's check-ins, click on the Check-ins overview via the AppSignal app navigation:

Screenshot of Check-ins overview

Here, you will have an overview of your check-ins with the following columns:

Column nameDescription
Identifier and typeThe identifier of your check-in and job type.
ScheduleThe schedule of your job, expressed in crontab syntax
Last failureThe last time a job failed, or Never if a failure has never occurred.
Last SuccessThe last time a job succeeded, or Never if a success has never occurred.
Latest jobThe status of the last run job

Check-in status

Check-in jobs will have one of the following statuses:

NewNo check-ins have yet been received for this Check-in.
SuccessThe job has been completed within its maximum duration.
LateA Check-in completed after its expected finish time (finish time = scheduled start time + max job duration).
MissedThe job's max duration has passed and no finish check-in has been received.
RunningA start check-in has been received.

Check-in Summary

Clicking on the identifier of a check-in will take you to an overview of:

  • The last five jobs: The timestamps for the last five jobs for the Check-in alongside their status.
  • The last five missed or failed jobs: The timestamps for the last five missed or failed jobs.

Check-in Occurrences

Check-in occurrences are past occurrences of the job. Your check-in is monitored based on the job's schedule.

Check-in occurrences give you an overview of past occurrences and can be filtered based on status and time range.

Here, you can inspect the occurrences:

  • Expected start/end time
  • Actual start/end time
  • Job duration and expected job duration
  • Job status
Screenshot of Check-ins summary