Creating and managing Check-ins
Before configuring your app to send Check-ins, you first need to create a Check-in in AppSignal.
Create Check-in
To create a Check-in in the AppSignal app, you will need to use the same name
you used when configuring the background process.
- Navigate to the Check-ins page in AppSignal
- Click "Add Check-in"
- Complete the Check-ins form:
- Identifier: The name of the job you are monitoring. This name is needed when configuring Check-ins.
- Schedule: AppSignal uses crontab/cron syntax for scheduling Check-ins. You can learn more about the crontab syntax in our Crontab Learning Center article.
- Server timezone: The timezone of the server the jobs you are monitoring are processed on. We recommend always having your server set to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). You can learn more about using UTC in our UTC learning center article.
- Maximum job duration: The max run-time of your job in minutes. The maximum job duration is used to notify you of missed or late jobs. For example, if set to 5 minutes:
- The job will be reported as missed if no check-in is received within 5 minutes of the job's scheduled start time.
- The job will be reported as late if check-in is received more than 5 minutes after the job's scheduled start time.
- Description: A description of what the job you are monitoring does.
- Notify me through: Select which channels AppSignal uses to notify you of missed or late jobs.
Once created, you need to configure your app to send Check-ins to AppSignal.
Manage Check-ins
This section covers how to:
How to view all Check-ins
To view all of your app's Check-ins, click on the Check-ins overview via the AppSignal app navigation:
Clicking on the check-in name will take you to the check-in's occurrence overview.
How to edit a Check-in
To manage a Check-in's settings:
- Navigate to the Check-ins feature in the AppSignal app.
- Click on the name of the Check-in you want to change the settings of.
- Click on "Edit":
- Modify your check-in's settings
How to remove a Check-in
To remove a check-in, follow these steps:
- Click on the name of the Check-in you want to remove.
- On the Check-in overview page, click "Remove" and follow the on-screen instructions.