

With npm or yarn

Add the @appsignal/stimulus and @appsignal/javascript packages to your package.json. Then, run yarn install/npm install.

You can also add these packages to your package.json on the command line:

yarn add @appsignal/javascript @appsignal/stimulus npm install --save @appsignal/javascript @appsignal/stimulus

With JSPM.io import maps

Using the JSPM.io import map generator, you can generate an import map for your application's dependencies.

Add @appsignal/javascript and @appsignal/stimulus to the dependencies list in the generator, then add the generated import map and ES module shims to your application's code.

With rails-importmap

Use the following command to add these packages to your Rails application's import maps:

./bin/importmap pin @appsignal/javascript @appsignal/stimulus



The default Stimulus integration is a function that binds to the Application.handleError property. In a new app created using rails new $APP_NAME --webpack=stimulus, for example, your javascript/controllers/index.js file would look something like this:

import { Application } from "stimulus"; import { definitionsFromContext } from "stimulus/webpack-helpers"; import { appsignal } from "./appsignal"; import { installErrorHandler } from "@appsignal/stimulus"; const application = Application.start(); installErrorHandler(appsignal, application); const context = require.context("controllers", true, /_controller\.js$/); application.load(definitionsFromContext(context));