Organization team members
If you're the owner of an account you can invite other people to become members of your organization so they can access apps in your organization on AppSignal.
You can invite a new member in the invitations screen in your organization's settings. You can find your organization settings by clicking the settings link at the top right of the screen.
You can make the invitee an account owner by the checking the owner box. If you check one of the teams the invitee will become a member of those teams. See Manage owners & teams for more information about owners and teams.

Once you invite a new member the invitation will show up in the outstanding invitations table.

If the invitee has not received an invitation email you can resend the email. Please contact us at if invitation emails aren't making it to an inbox. You can delete the invitation if you have second thoughts about inviting a person.
Once the invitation has been accepted the invitation will not be shown in the outstanding invitations table anymore. The person will now be present in the members screen, you can remove the member here if needed.