HTTP Configuration

Your log data must not contain any personal data, such as names, email addresses, etc. It is your responsibility to ensure this data is filtered out before being sent to AppSignal, and when identifying a person is necessary that your application uses alternative forms of identification such as a user ID, hash, or pseudonym.

The HTTP endpoint is the most flexible endpoint to send logs to AppSignal. You can format the message in multiple ways as described below.

If you are using a language that has an integration library for AppSignal, we recommend using one of the integration libraries instead of the HTTP endpoint.

If you are creating a custom integration, we recommend using the HTTP-JSON endpoint to guarantee the messages are formatted exactly as intended.


You can POST logs to AppSignal. Your logs must be formatted in JSON, Logfmt or Plaintext and sent to the following endpoint:


ReplaceYOUR_LOG_SOURCE_API_KEY with the key provided when creating a log source.

We will use the time our servers receive the POST request as the log timestamp. The default severity will be INFO. You can send the hostname, severity and group/appname parameters by appending them to the URL, for example:


You can send multiple log lines by separating each log line with a-formatted message overrides the hostname newline character: \n

Structured messages

In order to add additional metadata to a log line, you can send a structured message.


By default the source is created with the Plaintext formatter selected, you can send any string as the message part of the log line, for example:

This is a log message And this is another message

Will result in two log lines with the message This is a log message and And this is another message respectively.


When Logfmt is selected as the message format, you can send a log line with key-value pairs separated by a space, for example:

This is a log message user_id=123 action=login This is another log message user_id=123 action=logout

Will result in two log lines with the message This is a log message and This is another log message respectively, and the following attributes:

{ "user_id": 123, "action": "login" }
{ "user_id": 123, "action": "logout" }


When JSON is selected as the message format, you can send a log line with a JSON object, for example:

{"message": "This is a log message", "user_id": 123, "action": "login"} {"msg": "This is another log message", "user_id": 123, "action": "logout"}

We expect either a msg or message key for the log line message, and any other keys will be added as attributes. If no msg or message key is provided, we'll use the entire (unparsed) JSON object as the message. Attributes will still be parsed and added to this line.

You can read more about the specifics of message formatting in our formatting documentation.