
Sourcemaps are a way to convert (minified) JavaScript backtraces such as to something a bit more helpful. A sourcemap contains data about your front-end source code and given the minified file, line number and column number, we can ask a sourcemap for the original function, line/column number and even surrounding source code.


Enhancing backtraces with sourcemaps has one requirement:

  • Each sample needs to tagged with a revision of your application. This is used to determine when to fetch new sourcemaps after a deploy has changed your (front-end) code. You can specify the revision in the options given when creating a new AppSignal instance.
const appsignal = new Appsignal({ key: "<your frontend API key>", revision: "<your current revision>", });

Public sourcemaps

With public sourcemaps the sourcemap is hosted next to the (minified) JavaScript file. At the bottom of the minified JavaScript there needs to be a special comment to indicate that a sourcemap is available for the code.


The URL in this comment can either be a full URL or a relative path to the sourcemap. If the URL is relative, we use the file path of the minified source to determine a full URL.

For example, if the minified JS is hosted on: and the sourcemap comment looks like //#, we will attempt to retrieve the source map from the following URL:

Our system has limited caching of public sourcemaps, this means that we can request the minified version and the sourcemap file multiple times after a deploy.

Private sourcemaps

When you don't want to make your sourcemap public, you can upload them to our sourcemaps API endpoint.

Sending sourcemaps

A CURL command would look like this:

curl -k -X POST -H 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \ -F 'name[]=https://test.local/main.abc123.js' \ -F 'revision=abcdef' \ -F 'file=@/~project/' \ ''

We match the name[] fields against the full backtrace url e.g. the following backtrace line:

at https://test.local/main.abc123.js:1:92623\"

Will match with the name: https://test.local/main.abc123.js. You can add multiple name's in one curl request:

curl -k -X POST -H 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \ -F 'name[]=https://test.local/main.abc123.js' \ -F 'name[]=https://cdn.local/main.abc123.js' \ -F 'revision=abcdef' \ -F 'file=@/~project/' \ ''

You can read more about the sourcemap API endpoint on the documentation page.

NOTE: You can only upload one sourcemap file at a time, so if you have multiple sourcemap files, you will have to send an upload request for each file separately. Maximum upload size allowed for sourcemap file is 100MB.


Sourcemaps are grouped into a "release" by the revision string and we will keep the last "release" until a new revision is uploaded. Older "releases" will be kept for up to sixty days.