AppSignal for Ruby: Notify of deploy

This functionality is deprecated and this documentation page is no longer maintained: Support for the notify_of_deploy command was removed in version 3.0 of the AppSignal for Ruby gem. Instead, please use the revision config option. For instructions on how to create a deploy marker, you can read our deploy marker documentation.

Command line tool to send a "Deploy Marker" for an application to AppSignal.

Deploy markers are used on to indicate changes in an application, "Deploy markers" indicate a deploy of an application.

Incidents for exceptions and performance issues will be closed and reopened if they occur again in the new deploy.

Note: The same logic is used in the Capistrano integration. A deploy marker is created on each deploy.

This tool was available between versions 0.2.5 and 2.11.10 of the AppSignal Ruby gem.

Please read our documentation on Deploy markers for recommended alternative methods of sending deploy markers to AppSignal.


Basic example

appsignal notify_of_deploy \ --user=tom \ --environment=production \ --revision=abc1234

Using a custom name

appsignal notify_of_deploy \ --user=tom \ --environment=production \ --revision=abc1234 \ --name="My app"

The help command

If you need more help from the command line tool itself, use the --help option.

appsignal notify_of_deploy --help


--environment=<environment>Required. The environment of the application being deployed.
--user=<user name>Required. Name of the user that triggered the deploy.
--revision=<revision>Required. Git commit SHA or other identifiable revision id.
--name=<name>Required. If no "name" config can be found in a config/appsignal.yml file or based on the APPSIGNAL_APP_NAME environment variable, this option is required.