AppSignal for Python: Install

This feature requires AppSignal for Python version 0.1.0 or higher.

The documentation tells you everything you need to know about installing AppSignal via the command-line tool.


The command-line tool helps with setting up the configuration for your application. Integration with Python applications may require additional steps, because the AppSignal installer does not know how your application is set up. We recommend you our installation guide when adding a new application to AppSignal and follow the steps per framework in our integrations documentation.

Once the installation is complete, the demo tool command is run automatically to verify that the installation was successful. The demo tool command sends sample data from your application to the AppSignal servers, which helps you verify that everything is working properly.

Configuration methods

There are two configuration methods provided by the command-line installer:

  1. Configuration via a configuration file
  2. Configuration via environment variables.

1. Configuration file

AppSignal can be configured via a configuration file called, located in the root directory of your application. When chosing this option our installer will write your configuration to this file.

When configuring your AppSignal integration via the configuration file, the Push API key you provide to the installer will be written into the configuration file. We do not recommend adding this key to version control systems such as Git, SVN or Mercurial. Instead, use the APPSIGNAL_PUSH_API_KEY environment variable to store your API key.

You can read more about configuring your application in our configuration documentation.

2. Environment variables

AppSignal can be configured through system environment variables. If you select this option, no configuration file will be generated.

You can read more about configuring your application in our configuration documentation.


To install appsignal via the command-line, navigate to your project directory and run the following command:

python -m appsignal install --push-api-key <Push API key> # For example python -m appsignal install --push-api-key 1234-1234-1234-1234

Your application's "Push API key" will be displayed in the installation wizard and is also available in the administration section of your organization's settings, or via this link.

Available Options

push-api-key--push-api-key=<Push API key>Set the Push API key used to authenticate the application.
application--application=<application name>Set the name of the reported application.