Adding Tags to a Request
You can use tagging to supply extra context on errors and performance incidents. Tagging can help to add information that is not already part of a request, such as the session data, headers, environment data, or parameters. Tags can also be used to filter on samples within an incident to find all errors for a specific user or slow pages for a particular locale.
You can set tags wherever the current transaction or span is accessible. We recommend calling it before your application code runs in a request, such as a callback. You can see what tags apply to a sample on the Error and Performance incident page.
Using Link Templates it's possible to add links to your application with tag data, such as the admin panel for the signed-in user. You can see this in practice in the below screenshot, with the Link 1
and Link 2

With the AppSignal for Ruby gem, use the Appsignal.add_tags
helper methods to add tags to error and performance samples. On Ruby gem version 3 and older, use the Appsignal.set_tags
You can use Appsignal.add_tags
wherever an active transaction is accessible, we recommend calling it before your application code runs in the request, such as in a before_action
using Rails.
before_action do Appsignal.add_tags( :user_id =>, :stripe_customer_id => stripe_customer_id, :locale => I18n.locale, :default_locale => I18n.default_locale ) end
Tags that do not meet these limitations are dropped without warning.
- The tag key must be a String or Symbol.
- The tagged value must be a String, Symbol, Integer or Boolean (true/false).
- Boolean values are supported in Ruby gem 3.11 and newer.
- The length of the tag value must be less than 256 characters.
- Nested hash values are not supported for tags, please use custom data instead.
# Unsupported: hash value type is not supported Appsignal.add_tags( :i18n => { :locale => I18n.locale, :default_locale => I18n.default_locale } )
Use the Appsignal.Span.set_sample_data
function to supply extra context on errors and performance samples. Use the "tags"
sample key for the function to add tags to the span.
Appsignal.Span.set_sample_data( Appsignal.Tracer.root_span, "tags", %{ locale: "en", user_id: user_id, stripe_customer_id: stripe_customer_id, locale: locale, default_locale: default_locale } )
Last call is leading
The set_sample_data
helper can be called multiple times, but only the last value will be retained. When the code is run below:
Appsignal.Span.set_sample_data(Appsignal.Tracer.root_span, "tags", %{locale: "en"}) Appsignal.Span.set_sample_data(Appsignal.Tracer.root_span, "tags", %{user: "bob"}) Appsignal.Span.set_sample_data(Appsignal.Tracer.root_span, "tags", %{locale: "de"})
it will result in the following tags being stored:
%{ locale: "de" }
Setting sample data on a span
To add sample data to a span as soon as it's created, add a custom_on_create_fun
defmodule MyApp.Appsignal do def custom_on_create_fun(_span) do Appsignal.Span.set_sample_data(Appsignal.Tracer.root_span, "tags", %{"locale": "en"}) end end
Then, add it to your app's configuration:
# config/config.exs config :appsignal, custom_on_create_fun: &MyApp.Appsignal.custom_on_create_fun/1
The custom_on_create_fun
requires AppSignal for Elixir version 2.8.3 or higher.
Tags that do not meet these limitations are dropped without warning.
- The tag key must be a
. - The tagged value must be a
. - The length of the tag value must be less than 256 characters.
- Nested map values are not supported for tags, please use custom data instead.
# Unsupported: map value type is not supported Appsignal.Span.set_sample_data( Appsignal.Tracer.root_span, "tags", %{ i18n: %{ locale: "en_GB", default_locale: "en_US" } } )
Import the setTag
helper function to add tags to spans for errors and performance samples.
import { setTag } from "@appsignal/nodejs"; setTag("user_id", user_id); setTag("stripe_customer_id", stripe_customer_id); setTag("locale", locale); setTag("default_locale", default_locale);
Tags that do not meet these limitations are dropped without warning.
- The tag key must be a
. - The tagged value must be a
. - The length of the tag value must be less than 256 characters.
- Nested object values are not supported for tags, please use the
helper function instead.
const tracer = appsignal.tracer(); const span = tracer.currentSpan(); # Unsupported: object value type is not supported span.set("i18n", { locale: "en_GB", default_locale: "en_US" });
Import the set_tag
helper method to add tags to spans for errors and performance samples.
from appsignal import set_tag set_tag("user_id", user_id) set_tag("stripe_customer_id", stripe_customer_id) set_tag("locale", locale) set_tag("default_locale", default_locale)
Tags that do not meet these limitations are dropped without warning.
- The tag key must be a String.
- The tagged value must be a String, Integer, Float or Boolean.
- The length of the tag value must be less than 256 characters.
- Nested object values are not supported for tags, please use the
helper function instead.