Kubernetes metrics

The AppSignal for Kubernetes integration extracts metrics from Kubernetes clusters.

After adding the AppSignal Kubernetes deployment to your cluster, an automated dashboard with Kubernetes metrics will be created, showing an overview of node metrics.


To start reporting Kubernetes cluster metrics to AppSignal:

  1. Store your AppSignal API key in a secret
  2. Add AppSignal deployment to your cluster

1. Store your AppSignal API key in a secret

In a Kubernetes cluster, set up your AppSignal API key (find your Front-end API key in App settings) by creating a secret:

kubectl create secret generic appsignal --from-literal=api-key=<APPSIGNAL_API_KEY>

2. Add AppSignal deployment to your cluster

Once you've created the AppSignal API key secret, add the AppSignal deployment to your cluster:

kubectl apply https://raw.githubusercontent.com/appsignal/appsignal-kubernetes/main/deployment.yaml

Once configured, AppSignal for Kubernetes will start reporting Kubernetes metrics automatically.

Automated dashboard

Your Kubernetes metrics will be used to create an automated dashboard.

In this dashboard, you will be able to see graphs representing useful metrics over time, such as:

  • CPU Usage: CPU usage stats per node
  • Memory Usage: memory usage statistics, comparing the used memory to what's available per node
  • Swap Usage: swap usage statistics, comparing the used swap to what's available per node
  • Disk Usage: disk usage statistics, comparing the used disk space to what's available per node
  • Network usage: network usage, split by received and transmitted bytes, per node

Below is an example of an automated Kubernetes dashboard:

The Kubernetes automated dashboard


AppSignal for Kubernetes extracts the following metrics from the /api/v1/nodes/<NODE>/proxy/stats/summary endpoint:

  • node_cpu_usage_nano_cores
  • node_cpu_usage_core_nano_seconds
  • node_memory_usage_bytes
  • node_memory_working_set_bytes
  • node_memory_rss_bytes
  • node_memory_page_faults
  • node_memory_major_page_faults
  • node_network_rx_bytes
  • node_network_rx_errors
  • node_network_tx_bytes
  • node_network_tx_errors
  • node_fs_available_bytes
  • node_s_capacity_bytes
  • node_fs_inodes_free
  • node_fs_inodes
  • node_fs_inodes_used
  • node_rlimit_maxpid
  • node_rlimit_curproc
  • node_swap_available_bytes
  • node_swap_usage_bytes

You can track any of these metrics with a custom dashboard.


If you are experiencing any difficulties configuring your application's Kubernetes metrics, contact support, and we'll help you get your metrics flowing.